Monday, August 27, 2007

Still here has been a few weeks since I last posted here. Alas, I am still working out just not updating this space. Well, that will surely change as I am about to start training for my next 10K. I, along with 2 friends, are running in the Marine Corps Marathon 10K at the end of October.

Since I follow an 8-week training guide, I must begin my training in earnest next week.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Morning & Night

Well, yesterday I worked out on opposite ends of the day. I was in the gym at 6 am to do a back workout then I did a 30 minute cardio workout starting at 8:45 pm. It wasn't that bad, though I had to talk myself into it. For some reason, I think I should just chill & relax at the time of the evening. I should be winding down from day ~ not getting my heart rate up! We'll see how long that lasts. I'm going to try it again tonight.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Twice a day

I did 2 workouts yesterday, biceps & chest in the AM and cardio DVD in the PM. I ate healthy and drank a ton of water. I was sick of going to bathroom every 30 minutes, it seemed. I know, however, that is what I have to do.

I was talking to a friend on the phone last night and he suggested I move my cardio to later in the evening. I would benefit more by not eating after I do cardio. We'll see. I don't have a desire to workout that late in the evening. I'll give it a shot though.

This morning I did a back workout at the gym with weights.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Back at it

After a week of not working out, I am back at it. I did The Biggest Loser DVD this morning. Whew! It was just as good of a workout as I remember. I do really good except for the lunges. I just can't seem to keep up with that exercise and have to take a break during that part. My knees really pop and crack during that exercise. That might be an exercise that I need not do. I can do regular lunges, meaning those where you step forward in a slow, controlled motion. But, the ones on this video require doing a lunge with the leg going back at a pretty high pace. Those don't work for me. At all. I need to come up with an alternative before I injure myself.

Tomorrow I head back to the gym. I'll do weights in the AM and the DVD in the evening.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A slacker

I'm still here, but I'm not working out this week. My gym is closed and I decided to take a breather. Not that I couldn't go for a walk or do my Biggest Loser workout DVD. I just don't feel it right now. I am still eating correctly and drinking a boatload of water. I just need a break from getting up at 5:30 AM. I'll be back at it next week and I may go for a run on Saturday morning. Of course, it will be very early as the heat here is off the charts!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Still working it out

I'm still handling my workouts, the two-a-days. I'm doing strictly weights in the AM and the cardio in the evening. Last week I lost a 1.7 pounds. This week I maintained. Of course, I weighed in earlier than normal so I really could have lost and it just didn't show when I weighed in. We'll see come next week if there is dramatic difference.