Many more people were milling around by this time and activity was everywhere. Music was playing, people were picking up their bib numbers, stretching, waiting to use the port-a-potties, or chatting with companions. I saw young girls who looked to be about 9 or 10 years old and women who were in their 60s.
The weather was still cool, at that time, but the sky was clear and it was just a matter of time before the sun would start to shine. I got some water and began to stretch. I ran into 1 person that works in my office, I didn't know she was running this event, and I saw another young lady that works in my gym.
About 7:50 I walked down to the starting area and positioned myself midway the front of the pack. I continued to move around to keep my muscles warmed-up and then there was the starting flag.
Although the area was hilly, it seemed that we continued to go downhill a lot. I was worried about the going back uphill part. The hills we did run weren't steep, but gradual.
I ended up having to walk probably 1/2 mile of the entire 3.2 miles. We were travelling west on North Ave toward Moreland Ave and I probably had about 1/4 of mile from where I was to the red light. I decided to catch my breath and walk that portion. Once I got to Moreland, I ran and I was at about 21 minutes when I made it to the 2 mile point.
Shortly thereafter, my side began to hurt like it did last Monday. I decided to walk again, probably another 1/4 mile to Euclid. Once on Euclid I was determined to run the rest of the way. I jogged slowly to build up my stamina and then we hit a hill. Goodness. I kept putting one foot in front of the other and made it up the hill. Almost back to the park and the homestretch. I picked up my speed that last 1/4 of mile and I crossed the finish line at 33:00 flat.
Whew. I did it! Success! I really did it. I ran a 5K in an event with probably 1,000 other women of varying levels. My co-worker's husband was at the finish and I ran into them in the finish area. He said the first person crossed the finish in under 20 minutes. Wow. That will never be me. :~)
I milled around for a little while, went to some of the vendors, and may way back to my car. I retrieved my camera and went back toward the race area. Since it was a run/walk some women were still going. I cheered them on and then asked a policeman to take my photo:
My tired feet after the race:
What's next? I dunno. I've been convinced to sign-up for the Peachtree Road Race, a 10K held in Atlanta on July 4th. We'll see...