Thursday, September 13, 2007

10K#2: training update

Yes, I am still training for the 10K despite not updating the blog. I haven't really been following the training guide that I followed before. I took a look at it the first week intending to follow it, but I didn't print it out. I think I then internalized what I needed to do each day and that's what I've been doing. The guide is fairly simple with a steady increase in mileage each week, weight training one day a week, a cardio workout another day, a walk one day, and a rest day. That's what I've been doing with a gradual increase in mileage each week.

I'm moving soon and I wonder how that will affect my training. I won't have a gym to weight train at for a few weeks or maybe not at all prior to the next race. If I don't join a gym within 2 weeks of being in my new location (which is highly unlikely) I'll have to resort to running each day, I think. That shouldn't really be a problem.
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Thursday, September 6, 2007

10k#2: Week 1, Day 4

This morning I went for a 2 mile run and I stretched. I followed a 2 mile route on campus that was flat and hilly. I took me right at 20 minutes. Not too bad!
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

10K#2: Week 1 Day 3

Okay, I'm back into training for a 10K. It will take place on October 28th in Washington D.C. Acutally, I'm a few days behind in that I didn't really start the training until today. I did 30 minutes on the stairmaster, 3 sets of 20 lunges with 10 lb weights, and I stretched.

Though I haven't really been running on a regular basis, maybe twice a week, I have been working out continuously since the last 10K. Now to really get back into the swing of things.
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